Work disability benefit

A person recognized by the National Insurance as a work-injured person and whose claim for injury allowance was granted, who remained with a disability due to the work injury, may be entitled to a work disability benefit - either a pension or a grant. The insured has to appear before a medical board that will determine his degree of disability, according to which he will receive a monthly pension or a grant pursuant to the rules of the Law.

An insured person who resumed working or did not leave his work, too, can submit a claim for work disability benefit.

What should I do if I remained disabled following a work injury?

  • One must fill out claim for work disability allowance, along with latest medical documentation (if relevant)
  • After submitting the claim you will be summoned to a Medical Board, to establish your disability degree caused by the injury.
  • You can follow your claim status on the Personal Service website.
  • The decision taken by the Medical Board will be notified on the Personal Service website. You can appeal against the board's decision.
  • If the Medical Board awarded you qualifying disability percentage, - you will be paid a one-time grant or a monthly allowance.
  • To obtain a refund on expenses related to the injury, you have to approach your HMO with certificate of recognition and care receipts.
  • In case of worsening of your health condition or discovery of a new injury-related impairment - you can submit a claim for worsening condition to obtain a higher disability degree.
  • If you have been awarded disability degrees from several work injuries for which you received benefits - we might, in some cases, combine disability degrees to increase the disability.
  • If you have been awarded a disability degree below 100%, are unfit due to your disability for any work, and don’t have any work income - you may submit a request for "needy disabled" status recognition, and receive a temporary 100% degree of disability.
  • Work injury allowance recipients who have high disability degrees or leg impairments - may also be eligible for a special allowance or a special grant to cover special expenses and help with personal care.