Covering the mother's hospitalization expenses

Hospitalization grant

The NII covers expenses related to the hospitalization of the mother, payments are made directly to the hospital.

Conditions of entitlement

The mother entitled to a birth grant is also entitled to see her hospitalization expenses covered.

In following cases, you have to approach a NII branch up to 2 months prior to estimated date of birth, in order to examine your right to hospitalization grant:

  • You and your spouse are not Israeli residents
  • You are a foreign worker or the wife of a foreign worker

If you are entitled to hospitalization grant, we will send an authorization to the hospital after childbirth.

Grant rates

Hospitalization grant is a uniform payment amounting to NIS 17,307 (as of Jan 01, 2025).

In case of premature childbirth, the hospital will be paid an increment for hospitalization amounting to NIS 274,628 (as of Jan 01, 2025), under the following conditions:

  1. The newborn weighs up to 1,750 grams;
  2. The newborn was hospitalized for at least four days in the neonatal intensive care unit.

Giving birth overseas

A mother who gave birth abroad or in Israel in a hospital with which the National Insurance Institute does not have an agreement should submit a Claim for Hospitalization Grant to the NII.

Payment for mother's transportation by ambulance

The National Insurance Institute covers the cost of transporting a woman in labor, by means of a Magen David Adom ambulance. Payment is made directly to Magen David Adom, and the mother is exempt from payment.

Conditions of entitlement:

  • She is entitled to a birth grant.
  • She was taken to a nearby hospital.
  • The birth occurs at that hospital within three days of her arrival - a woman who gives birth at home is entitled to coverage, on condition that she was taken by the ambulance to the hospital within 24 hours of giving birth, and was hospitalized for at least 12 hours.