Other benefits applying to people with high disability degree or leg impairments

​The recipient of work disability allowance may also be entitled to the following benefits:

Special allowance

A special monthly allowance or a special grant, to cover specific expenses and help with personal care.

Conditions of entitlement to a special allowance

  • Your work disability is 75% or above, permanently, or between 65% and 74%, permanently, and due to your disability, you struggle to walk (subject to approval by a National Insurance physician). If you have been awarded a temporary disability - you may receive a special allowance if a National Insurance physician acknowledged that you will be left with a permanent disability degree of at least 75%.
  • According to rehabilitation officer's opinion and after advising with specialists - it is established that you have needs deriving from your recognized disability, in assistance with personal care and covering specific expenses.

Submitting a claim for special allowance

A claim for special allowance or special grant must be sent to the Rehabilitation Department of your local branch, using a special grant form / special allowance form. A detailed program regarding the use of the grant or the allowance and relevant authorizations must be attached to the claim.
The claim can be submitted to a branch directly through the website/document delivery service.

To learn more about rights and advantages in rehabilitation, click here.

If you are not eligible for a special allowance, you can check your right to an attendance allowance.

Attendance allowance

To an attendance allowance are entitled men and women from 18 to retirement age, covered with national insurance, and in need of great help from others in daily actions (getting dressed, eating, bathing, home mobility and personal hygiene) in the household or requiring constant supervision to avoid life-threatening situation for themselves or others.

Conditions of entitlement to attendance allowance for recipients of work disability allowance

  • You have been awarded a medical disability related to general disability at a rate of 75% (for purpose of determining medical disability in relation to general disability, all impairments are considered and not only those resulting from work injury).
  • You are not receiving a special allowance for victims of work injury from the National Insurance, and any benefit for personal care or help at home, under any law.
  • Your monthly income from work doesn't exceed 5 times the average wage - NIS 52,755 (as of 01.01.2020).

For more information about attendance allowance and how to submit a claim, click here.


The National Insurance offers a range of advantages to insured people with leg impairments limiting their mobility, to help them integrating the community and developing autonomy in their lives. Although most benefits are given to car owners, some are also provided to those without a car.
These benefits paid by the Ministry of Finance, under the Disabled Agreement signed between the Ministry of Finance and the National Insurance.

Whether the Medical Board determined, on behalf of the Ministry of Health, that you have an impairment in lower limbs, according to a defined list of impairments, you will be able to submit a claim for mobility benefits.

To learn more about mobility, click here.