Disabled Child

The National Insurance is aware of the heavy burden borne by families who raise a severely disabled child, and therefore participates in covering the expenses that such families pay in this context, in order to somewhat lighten their burden and to enable the disabled child a normal lifestyle, insofar as possible, within the framework of his family and community.

Important ! Each single parent is allowed and can receive information about his child through the *6050 call center and in service centers in branches. If that parent wishes to receive from us information on a regular basis, he must update another address for a minor at the Population and Absorption Authority.

How to obtain a disabled child?

  • Conditions of entitlement to a disabled child allowance and other information are available here
  • To submit a claim along with required documentation, click here.
  • You can follow the claim status on Personal Service website.
    If needed, you will receive a message asking you to complete the documentation.
  • Receipt of medical opinion from a physician of the National Insurance. Approval of eligibility or decision to summon to a Medical Board.
  • If the physician is unable to determine eligibility based on documentation - the child will be summoned to a Medical Board.
    Free counseling and preparation to Medical Boards are available in Helping Hand's centers.
  • The notification of the decision on the will appear on the Personal Service website.
  • If the claim is approved - the allowance will be paid on your bank the 28th of each month.