Conditions of entitlement

There are three basic parameters to determine a child's eligibility tor a disabled child allowance. In addition to these parameters, the child's situation must comply with the list of medical conditions, impairments and treatments entitling to the allowance.

Basic parameters of eligibility for a disabled child allowance

1. The child is the child of an insured person who is an Israeli resident

The child is the child of an insured Israeli resident, or of a person who was insured and died a resident of Israel.

A new immigrant child who immigrated without his parents may be eligible provided he or she immigrated with a guardian or other family member who is one of the following: a sibling, a grandparent, an uncle or aunt.

2. The child is located in Israel

A condition for receiving the allowance is the child being in Israel. A child receiving the allowance who leaves the country will continue receiving the allowance for another three months after his or her departure, as long as they had received the allowance for at least two months prior to the departure.

A child will continue receiving the allowance beyond three months of leaving Israel in the following cases:

  • Medical treatment: An allowance may be paid for 24 months if the child left for a treatment unavailable in Israel, or without sufficient expertise in providing it in Israel.
  • Work abroad for an Israeli employer: An allowance may be paid for 24 months if the child left on account of a parent's employment abroad for an Israeli employer, who continues paying insurance wages for the parent.
  • Work abroad for the state: A child who leaves the country since his or her parent is abroad on an official mission, such as a diplomatic posting, will continue receiving the allowance for the entire duration of the stay.

In all of these cases one must approach the National Insurance Institute prior to leaving Israel.

3. The child lives with a family

The goal of a disabled child allowance is to encourage and enable parents to give care to the child in the family framework. If the child stays in one of the places listed below, he or she will be entitled to an allowance:

  • Institution: For allowance amount, click here.
  • Hospitalized child: A disabled child receiving an allowance who is hospitalized for medical treatment or rehabilitation will receive the allowance for one year since the day of admission. At the end of that hospitalization year, the child's eligibility will be examined, based on the reasons for his or her hospitalization.
  • Foster family: Following a legislative amendment of 1.6.2024, foster families can be entitled to a disabled child allowance.