Dependents’ grant, marriage grant, bar-mitzvah grant, death grant
Dependents’ grant
A widower whose children no longer meet the definition of childThe son or daughter of an insured person (including foster child, adopted child and grandchild supported entirely by the insured person, except for a married child) who meets one of the following conditions: *up to age 18; *if completing his studies at a post-elementary educational institution or studying in a framework to complete matriculation exams, or having a learning disability and studying in a framework recognized by the NII– up to age 20; *if in a pre-army IDF framework – up to age 20;* if a volunteer in a framework of public service for up to 12 months and his army service is deferred due to this volunteering – up to age 21; *if serving compulsory service in the IDF – up to age 24; *if serving in the voluntary National Service – up to age 24;*if studying in an "atuda" framework and deferring army service due to studies – up to age 24. - will see his entitlement to a monthly dependents’ benefit end, and will be paid a one-time grant equivalent to 36 monthly benefits.
He shall continue to receive the benefit in the following cases:
If he is unable to earn a living for himself
Or if his income does not exceed NIS 7,590 (as of Jan 01, 2025).
Marriage grant
After the date of the remarriage – at an amount equivalent to the dependents’ benefits paid to him/her during the month of the remarriage (excluding the supplement for his/her children), multiplied by 18.
Two years after the remarriage date – at an amount equivalent to the dependents’ benefits as they would be paid to him/her if s/he had not remarried, for the final month of the two years, multiplied by 18. The children will continue to receive benefits despite the marriage.
Please note that the children will keep receiving a benefit as usual.
Regardless, a widow who remarried shall be entitled to continue receiving a monthly dependents’ benefit, if one of the following conditions applies to her:
The income of her partner does not exceed NIS 7,590 (as of Jan 01, 2025).
Her partner is unable to earn a living for himself, or was 60 or older on the date of their marriage.
A widow/er who was eligible for a one-time grant when s/he remarried, who then divorced (or began divorce proceedings) or was widowed again within 10 years of his/her second marriage – shall be paid a monthly benefit from the day the marriage ended. The grant paid to him/her or its first rate will be deducted from the benefit s/he is due, unless s/he is eligible for dependents’ benefits due to the death of his/her most recent spouse.
Bar Mitzvah Grant
A Bat Mitzvah Grant is paid to a girl when she reaches 12 years of age and to a boy when he reaches 13 years of age. The rate of the grant is NIS 6,845 (as of Jan 01, 2025).
Death grant
Upon the death of the person who had received the dependents' benefits, his/her child shall be paid a one-time grant of NIS 10,268 (as of Jan 01, 2025), provided that the child meets the definition of child set forth in the law.