Transition from disabled child benefit to disability pension

From January 2022, the disabled child allowance is paid until age 18 and 31 days (rather than 18 and 91 days so far).

The National Insurance will send you, on its own initiative, and before the child turned 18, claims for general disability pension and/or attendance allowance to those in need of help for everyday functions, to assess his or her eligibility for those benefits.

Payment details:

During the transition period, the National Insurance will pay for the child the highest benefit to which he or she is entitled, in the following manner:

  • If the disabled child is higher than the disability and/or attendance allowance - he or she will be paid the disabled child allowance until age 18 and 90 days, then from age 18 and 91 days the disability pension and/or attendance allowance according to his or her eligibility.
  • If the disability and/or attendance allowance is higher than the disabled child - he or she will be paid the disability and/or attendance allowance from age 18 and 31 days, according to his or her eligibility.

Submitting claims

It is really important to send us back the claims for general disability pension and/or attendance allowance that were mailed to you, together with updated medical documentation, in order to enable a timely ruling and maintain continuous eligibility for the benefits.

The claims may be sent by following ways:

Completing an online form on the website, and sending it with additional documents online.

Completing a claim form by hand, and sending it with additional documents through the website.

Submitting a claim and documents by mail, fax or in the service box of a branch nearest the place of residence.

After submitting a claim, if necessary, the child will be summoned for examination before a Medical Board, and in case of severe medical condition, the claim will be handled in a fast track.