
Dear reservists,

We have gathered on this website all of your rights with the National Insurance in relation to the service.

Important information! You can receive information about the amounts paid to you or to your employer for reserve service on your Personal Service account, this letting you make sure that you have received what is due to you.

Please note that we advise you to check if you are eligible for other benefits from the Aid to IDF Reservists Fund.

Payment at the beginning of each month

To relieve you during the war, you will receive a payment for the period of reserve service on a regular basis at the beginning of each month, and not at the end of the service as it used to be so far. The payment will be transferred to most reservists automatically to their bank account, without the need to submit any claim.

Status-based benefit payment

For an easy and fast calculation of the benefit you are due, use this reserve service benefit calculator​


They will receive an automatic payment as follows at the beginning of each month.
The amount of the benefit will be determined according to the advances declared to us.

Important! The self-employed is paid a compensation in addition to the benefit.
We advise you to check if you are entitled to other rights with the Tax Authority.

Self-employed who doesn't meet the definition of the National Insurance

They will receive an automatic payment at the beginning of November, without needing to submit a claim.
The benefit will be of the minimum amount of NIS 310.52 (as of Jan 01, 2024) per day.

Self-employed who is also salaried worker

Will receive a benefit on both his income as employee and self-employed.
  • If your income as employee in each one of the tree months preceding the service are below the minimum, NIS 9,316 (as of Jan 01, 2024) - you have to wait until your employer submit to us a claim et only after file a personal claim to complete the benefit based on your income as self-employed.
  • If your income in one of the three months preceding the service is above the minimum, NIS 9,316 (as of Jan 01, 2024) - you will be paid a benefit automatically as self-employed based on the income you have earned (without complement of the minimum) and up to the level of the maximum benefit, NIS 1,634.33 (as of Jan 01, 2024) per day.

Non-working citizen and student

They will receive an automatic payment at the beginning of November, without needing to submit a claim.
The benefit will be of the minimum amount of NIS 310.52 (as of Jan 01, 2024) per day.

Please note, 
that if you don't have any bank account updated in our records - it is advised to update it on our website now.

Salaried employee who receive a monthly salary

  • The reserve service benefit will be paid by your employers, and you will continue to receive your usual compensation from your employer at the current wage amount.
    Important! Sometimes we pay the employer a differential for a benefit of a higher amount than your wage, and this differential too must be paid to you.
  • The person employed by several employees will receive the benefit as follows:
    - Your main employer has to submit a claim on your behalf and will receive the benefit according to your wage, which shall not be lower than the minimum benefit of NIS 310.52 (as of Jan 01, 2024) per day.
    - To receive a reserve service benefit differential from the other employers - you need to submit a personal claim.
    Please note that the amount of the benefit you will receive is a supplement to your income from all employers.

Payment execution

Reserve service benefit is paid in two times:

1. Benefit for days of service

At the beginning of each month you will receive a payment based on the days of service performed in the previous month.
For instance: for the month of January, you will receive a payment early February.

2. Supplement for days of service (40%)

When will the supplement be paid?

The payment for additional days to which you are entitled (40% supplement), will be received as follows:

  • Those who ended their service by 31.12.23 - will receive a supplement during the month of March.
  • Those who ended their service in February - received the supplement in April.
  • Those who ended their service in April - received the supplement in June.
  • Please note that as of the August 2024 onwards, we will pay the supplement once a month for service periods completed up to two months prior. Example: Those who ended their service in August will receive the supplement in October.

How the supplement is calculated? 

Please note that the supplement is not paid for all days of service and depends on the number of effective days of service, as detailed in the table below.

The supplement is calculated as follows: the days of service are divided by 7, and the remainder determines the level of the supplement.

If the remainder is 0 - the supplement is not paid;
If the remainder is 1 - you will receive a supplement of 0.4 days;
If the remainder is 2 - you will receive a supplement of 0.8 days;
If the remainder is 3 - you will receive a supplement of 1.2 days;
If the remainder is 4 - you will receive a supplement of 1.6 days;
If the remainder is 5 - you will receive a supplement 2 days;
If the remainder is 6 - you will receive a supplement 1 day;

For instance:

For a reservist who served 20 days in the month of January - his days of service will be calculated as follows:
20 divided by 7 = 14 + 6 remaining days. For the six remaining days one may receive a supplement of one single day, therefore the benefit will be paid based on 21 days (20 days effectively served + a one-day supplement).
At the beginning of the month of February a payment will be received for 20 days, and in the course of April a one-day supplement will be paid.

Those who performed reserve service, were released then were again deployed as reservists - will receive at the end of each service period a supplement to the benefit.

For instance: 

Those who served 20 days in February, were released then resumed service in January for 20 days will receive a benefit as follows:
For the month of November - will receive a payment for 20 days at the beginning of December + a payment for an additional day during the month of March.
For the month of January - at the beginning of February will receive payment for 20 days + payment for one additional day during the month of April.

iconDays for the calculation of the benefit

Days of service
​Days for benefit calculation
Days for supplement

For more information about the calculation method, click here.

We wish you a safe service and a return in peace.