Help to anxiety victims

The help provided to victims of anxiety includes an immediate response in emergency call centers at a first stage, and receiving a series of treatments in clinics and resilience centers in a second stage for those who were present during a hostile action.

A list of resilience centers and care clinics is detailed below, by area of residence.

  • First aid covered by the National Insurance
  • Treatment from the trauma center involving up to 12 therapeutic meetings and if needed, based on a therapist professional opinion, an treatment extension of up to 36 meetings will be possible.
  • Personal treatments, also appropriate to children and families.

How to obtain a treatment?

All treatments are provided in the resilience centers and clinics for anxiety victims (as detailed hereafter) free of charge and without having to submit any claim to the National Insurance, you just need to call a resilience center and receive assistance.

Here also are the directives of the Ministry of Health to victims of anxiety.

List of resilience centers and care clinics for victims who attended a hostile action

Due to the security situation, all resilience centers and helping lines are prepared to offer a response to victims of anxiety.
Please note that resilience centers provide care to the population based on your area of residence.
When there are no resilience centers in your area of residence, you can contact the national resilience center:

National resilience center call center, *5486, from Sunday to Thursday, between 8:00 and 20:00.

  • For a list of resilience centers and care clinics in the Northern region, click here
  • For a list of resilience centers and care clinics in the Center and Sharon region, click here
  • For a list of resilience centers and care clinics in the Jerusalem and Judea & Samaria region, click here
  • For a list of resilience centers and care clinics in the Southern region, click here

Funding complementary (alternative) medicine treatments to the wounded of the Iron Swords war

To learn more, click here.