Benefits exempt from payment of health insurance contributions
Benefits that are subject to minimal health insurance contributions
In the case of persons who receive one of the following benefits and who do not have any other source of revenue minimal health insurance contributions of
NIS 120 (as of Jan 01, 2025) is deducted from their benefit:
Work disability pension – up to
retirement ageThe age at which you will be entitled to the old-age pension, on condition that your income from work and from other sources does not exceed a certain amount. Income from work pension is not taken into account. Retirement is set at age 67 for men and 62-65, according to birth date, for women.
Recipients of a benefit who have another source of income as a salaried employee or as a self-employed person, or income from a source other than gainful employment (pension, rental fee, etc.) are subject to health insurance contributions from income; their health insurance contribution will not be deducted from their benefit.
Wage-replacing benefits
In the case of persons who receive one of the following benefits, health insurance contributions are deducted from the benefit at the same rate as that paid by a salaried employee:
Old-age pensions recipients
Health insurance contributions are deducted from the
old-age pension under the following rates:
The recipient of an old-age pension with an income supplement – pays a minimal amount of NIS 120 (as of Jan 01, 2025).
The recipient of an old-age pension for an individual without an income supplement – pays NIS 231 (as of Jan 01, 2025).
In the case of recipients of an old-age pension with an increment for their spouse or in the case of a couple both of whom are entitled to and actually receive an old-age pension, health insurance contributions are deducted from the husband’s pension at the rate of NIS 332 (as of Jan 01, 2025).
A married woman who receives an old-age pension and whose husband is insured by the National Insurance Institute is exempt from payment of a health insurance contribution from her pension.
Please note: Recipients of an old-age pension are exempt health insurance contributions from any other source of income.
Recipients of benefits from the Ministry of Defense and/or Ministry of Health
Wounded IDF veterans, widows and bereaved parents who receive a benefit from the Ministry of Defense as well as wounded veterans of the wars against the Nazis and victims of Nazi persecution who receive a benefit from the Ministry of Finance, are subject to the payment of minimal health insurance contributions of NIS 120 (as of Jan 01, 2025), which is deducted from the benefit, on condition that the payee has no other source of income.
After retirement age - a person who is paid an old-age pension or who is entitled to an old-age pension yet effectively receives another allowance - will pay health insurance contributions on the pension alone, at the special rates applicable to seniors.
An allowance from the Ministry of Defense / Treasury - is exempt from such payment