Special Allowance for a Single-parent Disabled Mother

The NII pays a special monthly allowance to a disabled new mother who is a single parent, has been granted a 100% degree of earning incapacity and is unable to care for her baby. This allowance is paid in addition to the disability pension.

The rate of the allowance is 30% of the average wage – NIS 3,995 (as of Jan 01, 2025) and it is paid to the new mother for 3 months from the day of the birth.

The special allowance is paid if the following conditions are met:

  • The mother is eligible for a birth grant.
  • The mother has been granted 100% earning incapacity.
  • The mother is unable to care for the baby because of her disability. A written doctor's opinion to this effect must be presented.
  • The baby is in Israel and is living with his/her mother.

If the mother becomes disabled after the birth, she will not receive a special allowance for the period she received a maternity allowance or her spouse received a paternity allowance.

Submitting a Claim

In order to receive the special allowance, a claim must be submitted on form special benefit for a single-parent disabled-mother by mail, fax or by means of the service box in the local NII branch within 12 months from the day of the birth.