Absorbent products

Suppliers of absorbent products

The companies supplying absorbent products to those entitled to long-term care are: Hogla-Kimberly, TelepharmaChemitec, Superpharm and Dash Medics.
These suppliers also provide professional personal counseling to customise the products to your specifications. You may choose the company whose products you wish to order.

The following are the telephone numbers of the suppliers' customer service:

Information about the products

You may order absorbent products in various sizes (according to waist circumference), as detailed in the table below:

Small diaper50-100 cm.
Medium diaper70-130 cm.
Large diaper110-150 cm.
Extra-large diaper (XL)130-170 cm.
Extra extra-large diaper (XXL)150-190 cm.
Extra extra extra-large diaper (XL3)170-240 cm.
Small fabric protective pad50-95 cm.  
Medium fabric protective pad75-120 cm.  
Large fabric protective pad100-150 cm. 
Extra-large fabric protective pad (XL)130-175 cm.
Extra extra-large fabric protective pad (XXL)170-220 cm. 

Personal home care and receipt of absorbent products

  • For those entitled to personal home care, and also want absorbent products – time will be deducted from personal care, which will be calculated according to the cost of a package and the number of packages of all products ordered for an entire month. The time deducted will be calculated in minutes deducted each week from personal care. Minutes will be rounded to the quarter hour (15 minutes).   
  • For those who receive cash benefits, and also want absorbent products – a sum will be deducted from the cash benefit calculated according to the cost of a package and the number of packages of all products ordered per month.