Who is entitled?

Important information! 

In order to be entitled to payment from the National Insurance, a woman or child must be one of the following:


  • The woman is married to the person obligated to pay and has a child, whether the court judgment for maintenance was granted to her, only to the child, or to both of them.
  • The woman is married to the person obligated but has no child, if she is not capable of supporting herself, or she is 60 years old or older.
  • The woman is not married to the person obligated and has a child, if the judgment for maintenance was granted only to the child.


  • The child is not in his mother's custody, if the court judgment for maintenance was granted only to the child, and most of the child's maintenance is not provided by the state or a local authority.
  • The child is in his/her father's custody – the father receives maintenance for the child according to the court judgment whereby the mother is the person obligated.
  • The child who is above 18 years old - if he or she is unable to earn his/her own livelihood.

The following are not entitled to payment:

  • A woman who is not married to the person obligated to pay maintenance and has no child.
  • A woman whose children are 18 years old.
  • A woman whose income exceeds the determining amount (according to the woman's age and the family composition).