Incentive grant for construction and renovation workers

The incentive grant will be paid to those who started working in construction and renovations from April to December 2024, provided they meet the conditions of entitlement. The grant will be paid to eligible people retroactively for the period of eligibility.

Who is entitled to a grant?

Is eligible for the grant the individual who meets all the following conditions:

  1. He or she is a salaried worker and an Israeli resident, aged 18 and older.
  2. He or she started working in the agriculture or construction industries during the period between 1.4.24 and 31.12.24, and did not work in those industries in the  three months preceding the period of entitlement.
    Please note that the work must be full time as is customary in the sector in which he is working.
  3. He or she worked in person (not remotely) at the workplace at least 11 days per month, and earned a gross wage from 2,786 to 25,000 ILS. In the count of 11 days will not be included the days of remote work from home, nor sick days or days of paid leave.
  4. He or she graduated in one of the following training, according to the employer's statement:
    • A course in the building professions, at a college recognized by the Ministry of Labor.
    • Training of the Ministry of Labor in the construction industry.
    • Training of the Ministry of Economy and Industry performed in collaboration with employers.
    • Training on the employer's site, at least 40 hours (according to the employer's statement).
  5.  Works at an employer who is one of these:
    • A contractor registered in the Ministry of Housing's book of contractors under branch 100 - main construction branch or branch 131 - for renovations, according to their definition under the Contractors Registration Regulations for Construction Engineering Work (registered contractors classification) of 1988, including safety work on construction sites.
    • A manpower company, which main field of occupation is to recruit manpower for a contractor registered in the book of contractors in relation to construction fields.

Period of entitlement

One can receive a grant for 6 months of work at most, on condition that working months were consecutive.

Please note,
  • The worker who received an incentive grant for workers in agriculture and construction during the months of January to March 2024 only - will be able to receive this subsidy for an additional 3 months, between April and June 2024, if he meets the conditions of eligibility.
  • The person who works during the same month for several employers in the construction and renovations sector - will be entitled to a subsidy from one employer only. Likewise, in the 11-day account, it is impossible to accumulate work days with several employers.

Grant amount

  • For the first month of eligibility - NIS 2,000
  • For the second consecutive month of eligibility - NIS 2,000
  • For the third consecutive month of eligibility - NIS 2,000
  • For the fourth consecutive month of eligibility - NIS 2,000
  • For the fifth consecutive month of eligibility - NIS 3,000
  • For the sixth consecutive month of eligibility - NIS 3,000

Amount of the grant for a person working in a "wet" job:

A person who works in a "wet" job: carpentry, ironwork, parquet and plastering, including work related to the building frame and assembly of prefabricated elements, infrastructure preparation work for building systems (electricity, communication , lighting, air conditioning, pipeline and drainage of water and wastewater) and installation of surrounding infrastructure (border of stones and sidewalks), aluminum works and frames, construction works of interior and exterior walls, indoor/outdoor wall and floor covering, sealing, plaster and painting, will receive a subsidy from the following amount:
  • For the first month of eligibility - NIS 3,000
  • For the second consecutive month of eligibility - NIS 3,000
  • For the third consecutive month of eligibility - NIS 3,000
  • For the fourth consecutive month of eligibility - NIS 3,000
  • For the fifth consecutive month of eligibility - NIS 4,500
  • For the sixth consecutive month of eligibility - NIS 4,500

How to submit a claim

The employer needs to submit each month a claim for a grant on behalf of the worker online on the website.

Before submitting a claim, you have to issue to us a Form 100 (worker's wage data). Without this form, we won't be able to process your claim.

Until when a claim for promotion grant can be submitted ?

The time limit to submit a claim for incentive grant is 31.12.26.

When will the grant be paid?

  • A claim approved from the 1st to the 28th of the month - will be paid on the 20th of the next month.
    Example: for a claim approved on January 15 - will be paid by February 20.
  • A claim approved from the 29th to the 31th of the month - will be paid on the 20th of the next two months.
    Example: for a claim approved on January 30 - will be paid by March 20.

Grant payment

The worker will receive the grant on his or her bank account as updated at the National Insurance.

You can update your bank account details using this link.

Important information! 

You can receive information about the claim's approval and the date of payment on your Personal Service account or through Chat with a human representative on the website.