The grant will be paid to evacuees from the north who stopped staying in a state-funded place of accommodation in the period from 20.3.25 to 1.6.25 - provided they meet the conditions of entitlement.
Who is eligible for the grant?
You will be eligible for the grant if you meet all of the following conditions:
- You are a resident of Israel.
- You received an occupancy grant/adaptation grant or stayed in a state-funded place of accommodation - at least one day in the month of 12/24 or 2/25.
- You are not staying in a state-funded place of accommodation.
Please note that in the grant claim form you will be asked to fill out a declaration of affiliation with the evacuated settlement.
And if you rented an apartment in an evacuated settlement - you will need to attach a lease contract valid as of the date of submission.
Grant amount
The grant is a one-time grant, and its amount is determined according to the ending date of the stay at a place of accommodation at the expense of the state and family composition, as detailed below:
Those who did not stay at a hotel
They will be entitled to a grant of 15,360 NIS for an adult, and 7,680 NIS for a child.
Those who stopped staying at a hotel
The amount of the grant will be determined according to the date on which they stopped staying at the hotel, as detailed in the table:
Until 20.3.25
| 15,360 NIS
| 7,680 NIS
From 21.3.25 to 1.4.25
| 7,680 NIS
| 3,840 NIS
From 2.4.25 to 1.5.25
| 3,840 NIS
| 1,920 NIS
From 2.5.25 to 1.6.25
| 1,920 NIS
| 960 NIS
*The child's age - will be checked according to the ending date of hotel stay, and if they did not stay in a hotel, according to the starting date of grant eligibility on 20.3.25.
Payment method
- For those who receive child allowance - the grant for them and the children will be paid to the bank account on which child allowance is transferred.
Important! Children will receive a grant according to the date of eligibility of the parent receiving child allowance.
For example: If the child left the hotel on 20.3.25 and his mother left the hotel on 27.3.25 – the child will receive a grant in the amount of 3,840 NIS.
- For those who do not receive a child allowance – you can update your bank account details to receive the grant on this link.
If no account is updated – the grant will be paid to the bank account updated in the National Insurance systems.
- For a child in foster care – the grant will be paid to the foster parent who is himself entitled to the grant.
- For a foreign long-term care worker – there is no entitlement to the grant even if an occupancy grant was paid for him.
What do you need to do to receive the grant?
You must fill out a grant claim form online on the website.
Please note that every evacuee over the age of 18 must fill out a declaration independently.
- For a child – the parent who receives the child allowance will fill out the declaration.
- Those who have a guardian or those for whom a child allowance recipient has been appointed and it is impossible to fill out a declaration form for the grant on their behalf - they need to call the special hotline at 02-5393773 to complete a telephone declaration.