Assistance grant to evacuees under 67 (replacing unemployment)

Please note,

  • Grant eligibility has been extended until May 31 2025, according to your settlement of residence.
  • Until the month of September 2024, the grant is paid to those not working at all, owing to a legislation change in October 2024, insured people with income from another employer will also be eligible (after deduction of income from the employer), this eligibility will be granted retroactively from January 2024.
    We are currently taking steps to develop a computer system to allow these insured to file grant claims in the month of March. We will keep you informed through the website on the matter.

​Conditions of entitlement

You will be entitled to a grant if you meet all the following conditions:

  1. You are an Israeli resident aged between 18 and 67.
  2. Your home address in the records of the Population and Absorption Authority is in one of the settlements qualifying for a grant.
  3. You meet one of the conditions below:
    • You have received unemployment benefits at least in one of the months of October, November and December 2023, and have used up all the unemployment days you were entitled to.
    • You have received unemployment benefits at least in one of the months of October, November and December 2023, and your year of unemployment ended or will end by 31.8.24.
    • You have submitted a claim for unemployment benefits for a period of unemployment starting from 1.1.24 onwards, and you have exhausted your quota of days of eligibility for unemployment (even if you are a repeat unemployed).

Grant amount

The grant will be paid according to the number of days in the month you did not work, and calculated based on the last unemployment benefits that you were paid.

Grant entitlement period

One can receive the grant for the month of January 2024 to May 2025, depending on your settlement of residence.

Please note that evacuees coming from settlements in which, under a decision made by the government, they are able to return to their homes (such as Sderot) - the grant will be paid until 31.3.24.

How to receive the grant

The National Insurance will send in the upcoming days a SMS message to the evacuees who may be eligible for a grant, to let them inform us of their employment situation.

After receiving this information, we will check their eligibility for a grant and transfer it to their bank account automatically.

You can verify whether the grant was paid to you through a chat with a human representative on the website or at the *6050 call center.