Employers whose employees are deployed in reserve service

​Dear employers,

To relieve your in this period when your employees are deployed in reserve service, we are granting you some relaxations in the submission of claims and receiving refunds for paid reserve service benefits.

For questions and answers about reserve service, click here.

Compensation to employers for social differentials to HMOs or funds and payment of insurance contributions

We are happy to announce to you that following a law amendment, we will pay to you a compensation for the social differentials to HMOs or pensions that you have paid for your employees in the period they were called to reserve service.

Please note that the compensation is intended to you and not to the employees.

Who is entitled to a compensation?

All employers except public employers (government ministries, public organizations, state companies, and so forth).

Period of entitlement to the compensation

From 7.10.2023 until 31.12.2024.

Amount of the compensation

The amount of the compensation per day corresponds to 20% of the amount calculated based on the employee's wage in the 3 months preceding the reserve service, divided by 90.

The amount of the compensation is calculated as follows: the amount of the compensation per day multiplied by the number of days of service performed by the employee.

  • If the employee worked less than three months - we will calculate the compensation based on his working time (one month or two divided by 30 or 60, respectively).
  • If the worker is new and has not yet spend months of work - the compensation will be calculated based on the wage he received during the month of service and declared to the National Insurance.
Detailed information about the amount of compensation you received will provided in a letter to the employer that we will send to you.

Compensation payment

Currently, the compensation is only paid for reserve service benefit claims submitted since the month of April, and will be included in the payment of the ongoing benefit.

In the upcoming days we will also pay to employers, retroactively, a compensation for periods of service since the beginning of the war.

Please note, payment of a compensation to secondary employers will be made in the future and we will keep you informed on the website.

Explanation regarding the payment of additional days of service (40%) to reservists

The National Insurance is currently paying to you additional days of service (40%) for you employees who served in the reserve.

Please note that this supplement is a part of the reserve service benefit due to the employee, and by law, it must be paid to the employee even if he stopped working for you.

Relaxations and information concerning claim submission

  • The type of service you need to mention on the claim form is regular and not Emergency Market.
  • All employers are exempt from attaching a military certificated (3010) to the claim. even when IDF provided them with several military certificates (3010) during the service of the employee.
  • The employers who submit claims for reserve service benefits through computer system are exempted to send claim forms (printed) to the branches.
    Those submitting claim filled out by hand - must attach the claim forms.
  • It is important to be precise, as far as possible, regarding the starting date of the service as of 7.10 onwards and the ending date of the service.

How to submit a claim and receive refunds of paid benefit

By law, you have the obligation to pay during reserve service a benefit amounting to the usual wage, as if the employee didn't deploy in reserve service.

To help you during that period, you will be able to submit a claim for refund of benefit payment to employees on a monthly basis, even if the service has not ended and is still ongoing. To that end, one must indicate in the claim the ending date of the current month, and submit another claim at the beginning of the next month.

For instance: for a benefit paid to an employee in the month of October, you will be able to submit a refund claim in the month of November, even if that employee is still deployed in reserve service.

  • If the employee started and ended reserve service in October - you can submit a claim at the end of the service period.
  • If the employee continues reserve service for another month - you have to report on the claim form an ending date of service on 31.10.23, and submit a claim for the month of October at the beginning of November. The next service period of the employee will start on 1.11. and end at the end of the service or on 30.11 - whichever occurs first. One must submit a claim for that period according to the ending date of the service, as explained above.

Online system for representatives and employers who have up to 10 employees in reserve service

To make it easier for you to receive reserve service refunds during the war, we have opened a digital system to submit reserve service benefit refund claims.

Please note that you won't be able to receive a refund unless you issued the monthly wage (Form 100) for the month of service of the employee, at least two days before submitting the claim.

To whom this platform is intended?

  • To all employers (including those issuing claims through the computerized services WCF) who have up to 10 employees deployed in reserve service, and the latter have worked in the month of 9/23 and have been declared as employees.
  • To a representative of an employer registered as power of attorney at the National Insurance.


  • Declaration through the system is only possible regarding an employee for whom a Form 100 has been issued in the month of September.
  • There is no need to attach to the claim a military certificate (3010)
  • There is no need to indicate in the claim the period of service - periods will be paid in accordance with the file received from IDF.

Call center for employers on the topic of reserve service

For clarifications one can call the call center 02-5393722 from Sunday through Thursday, between 8:00 and 16:00.

Payment of December benefit to employers with up to 10 employees in reserve

These employers, who are able to submit a claim through the digital system we have launched for them, will receive the January benefit as follows:

  • Regarding employees for whoa claim has been submitted for the month of December through the digital system - the benefit will be paid automatically on 8.2.24, without the need to submit a claim.
  • Regarding employees for whom a claim has not been submitted - you have to fill out a claim on the digital system and enter the employees' details, as well as make sure, before submitting the claim, to have published their monthly wage (monthly Form 100) for the three months preceding the month of service.