Resident returning from a convention state

An Israeli resident who left the country and lived in a convention state, and returns to live in Israel, will be eligible for an old-age pension under the eligibility conditions of the law, like any resident of Israel, according to the following provisions: 

  • If you received a full old-age pension while living in the convention state –  you will continue to receive the pension in Israel.
  • If you received a partial old-age pension while living in a convention state, because you did not accumulate the qualifying period – when you return to Israel you will continue to receive the partial pension, or alternatively, your eligibility for a special old-age benefit will be considered.
    Once you accumulate the full qualifying period (you begin to accumulate a qualifying period from the time that you are recognized as an Israeli resident), you may be eligible for a full old-age pension.
  • If you did not receive an old-age pension while living in a convention state because you had not yet reached retirement age – when you return to Israel and reach retirement age, if you have not yet accumulated the full qualifying period, your eligibility for a partial old-age pension under the regulations determined under terms of the convention of the country where you resided (or alternatively your eligibility for a special old-age benefit) will be considered.

Once you accumulate the full qualifying period (you begin to accumulate a qualifying period from the time that you are recognized as an Israeli resident), you may be eligible for a full old-age pension.

Increments for a partner

Israeli residents living in countries with which there is a convention are eligible to receive an increment for their partners, even if the partners are not Israeli resident, on condition that they comply with the definition of a spouse according to the Old-Age Pension Law.
Residents returning to Israel will be eligible for increments for their partners only if their partners are recognized as Israeli resident and comply with the definition of a spouse according to the Old-Age Pension Law.