Caring for persons with disabilities

  • Providing care and personal assistance to disabled people - means assistance in carrying out everyday functions, such as dressing, bathing, eating, personal hygiene, moving around in the house, etc. or supervision of the disabled person to prevent harm or danger to himself or to others, entitle to the grant.
  • Work of social guides in institutions - does not entitle to the grant (since the work does not pertain to daily assistance nor supervision)
  • Household work with a disabled person - is not considered vital work.
  • Work in the field of social-rehabilitation assistance and work in daycare centers and afternoon childcare facilities without permit issued by the institutions listed below - does not entitle to the grant. 
  • Regarding the care of people with disabilities family members will not be recognized ( siblings, son, daughter, grand son, uncle, aunt, or the spouses of one of these).

Caring and personal assistance for an institutionalized disabled person

A person who works as a caregiver and personal assistant to someone living in any of the following institutions:

  • A hospital solely for nursing patients, complex nursing patients, emotionally debilitated or rehabilitation patients, including a nursing department in a retirement home.
  • A day care center or the part of a day care center designated for people with physical or mental disabilities.
  • A rehabilitative day care center.
  • An institution for social care, an institution for medical treatment or an institution for combined treatment for drug abusers.
  • A day care center operated by the Ministry of Defense for people with emotional disabilities.

A person who worked at any of the above institutions must attach an authorization of employment as a personal caregiver and assistant (form 1502) to his claim for the grant.

To relieve you, we have prepared for you a calculator to verify which workplaces qualify for the grant in the framework of caring for people with disabilities.

Caring and personal assistance for a disabled person at home

Eligibility for the grant is given If the following two conditions are fulfilled:

  1. The care is provided in the home of a person with a disability, who has a license to employ a foreign worker.
  2. The disabled person is one of the following:
  • A person who is entitled to an attendance allowance from the National Insurance Institute.
  • A disabled child who is entitled to a benefit from the National Insurance Institute.
  • A person who is entitled to a long-term care benefit from the National Insurance Institute.
  • A disabled person who is entitled to a benefit under the Disability Law of the Ministry of Defense.

A person who worked as a caregiver to a personal with disabilities must attach to his claim for a grant a "Confirmation of employment for care and assistance at home" form.