If you must spend a waiting period before being able to receive medical services, you can redeem the waiting period with a special payment amounting to NIS 15,060 (as of Jan 01, 2025). This sum may be paid in one payment or several (up to 6) consecutive and equal installments.
One may receive health care services in Israel only after making the above payment or all due installments (barring cares provided abroad, and fertility treatments), provided the National Insurance established your status of Israeli resident after verifying that your center of life has been restored in Israel.
Payment method
The special payment can be paid by one of the following means:
- By credit card on our payment website
- By bank check - Please make sure that the exact amount of the special payment is written on the check, and that there is a separate check for every person who wishes to redeem the waiting period. This check must be deposited at a NII branch or sent by mail to the Health Care Department of the National Insurance Institute, Head Office, at Jaffa Street 217, Jerusalem 9199908.
The special payment can even be paid while you are still abroad, before your departure to Israel, and thereby be entitled to medical services upon your arrival in Israel, on condition that you have paid the entire special payment, proven that your center of life is in Israel and been recognized as an Israeli residentA person whose life is centered in Israel. Criteria for determining this include: Israel is your permanent place of residence, where your family resides, where your children go to school, your primary place of work, or where you are studying. .
The special payment will not be reimbursed, except in cases where the payer did not return to Israel or when it was ruled that he or she should not be considered an Israeli resident.