The National Insurance Institute is at your side during your life, from birth to advanced age, granting you a variety of social rights adapted to changing life situations. Further information...
The National Insurance Institute is responsible for the social security of Israeli residents. Its primary mission is to ensure means of subsistence for those unable to earn their living. Further information...
The National Insurance Institute collects insurance contributions from all residents according to their social background and status, and pays benefits to those entitled. Hence, the income of economically established groups is transferred to weak and vulnerable groups and, thereby, the National Insurance Institute contributes to a more equitable distribution of national income and the reduction of dimensions of poverty. Further information...
Further information...
Project initiators often apply both to public and to private bodies for financing their project. It is preferable to integrate resources than to suffice with one source of financing, since the former allows the project to be implemented in a better and more comprehensive manner. In your proposal, you should indicate the other organizations to which you applied for assistance.