Calculating benefit rate for members of bereaved families of hostile actions casualties

This simulator is designed to calculate the level amount of benefit to bereaved parents and orphaned of hostile actions casualties.
The sums displayed by the simulator are updated to November 2020 and determined by the Ministry of Defense.

Please note that eligibility for and the amount of the benefit will only be established by a claims officer of the National Insurance.

All fields are required. Calculator's steps and/or optional entries might change according to the values entered.
The calculator is designed to calculate the amount of the benefit for bereaved families of hostile actions casualties.
Select the sentence that most accurately describes your situation

Current marital status

Marital status
Date in format date/month/year (dd/MM/yyyy)
Date in format date/month/year (dd/MM/yyyy)
I have children living at home with me
I have children aged under 22 living at home with me We have children aged under 22 living with us at home
The children (with me at home) at the age of: