An employer of a foreign worker for the purpose of long-term care must pay insurance contributions for all wages paid to the foreign worker and report on the employee regardless of the amount of wages paid to him.
What is the rate of insurance contributions to be paid?
Insurance contribution rate - 3.6% of the wage paid to the worker.
Examples: Those paying the foreign worker a wage of NIS 3,000 per month - are liable to declare and pay insurance contributions at a rate of 3.6% of the wage paid to the worker: 3.6%x3,000 = 108, therefore NIS 108 per month must be paid.
How does one declare and pay?
To declare and pay the two actions below must be performed:
The declaration and payment can be performed either through the payment website or by means of a payment voucher booklet that we automatically send by mail, or through the call center *6050.
For any inquiries, you can call our call centers at *6050 or *9696 (counseling service for the elderly).