Employer with agreement under regulation 22

Employers who have 100 or more employees can reach an agreement with the National Insurance regarding the payment of injury allowance directly to employees who incurred a work injury regulation 22.

The employer enjoying such an agreement needs to pay injury allowance on the same date the employee's wage is paid, and the National Insurance will reimburse him the sums paid with an compensation increment, as provided by the regulation.

Injury allowance to the employer with agreement under regulation 22

Submitting a claim for injury allowance

Claims for employees who incurred a work injury and are working for employers enjoying an agreement with the National Insurance for the payment of injury allowance directly to employees under regulation 22, are submitted through the employers.

Payment of injury allowance

These employers can receive information files about the payment of injury allowance they have paid to employees.

Letter to employers enclosed in the arrangement under regulation 22 (in Hebrew).

  • Under regulation 22, you have to pay injury allowances at the date of your employees payroll payment, including the first period of entitlement.
  • The National Insurance will reimburse the amount of injury allowance paid to the employee with an increment of 2.5% of the allowance paid.
  • The National Insurance will reimburse the employer for the injury allowance as of the 13 day. Injury allowance for the first 12 days, paid by the employer, will not be reimbursed by the National Insurance.

Please note, the first period of entitlement, i.e. the first 12 days, cannot be deducted from the employees wage nor from his quota of sick days.

How to subscribe to the arrangement?

Those who have 100 or more employees and wish to subscribe to this arrangement with the National Insurance under regulation 22, shall complete the following documents:

  1. Commitment letter representing a legal contract between the National Insurance and the employer.
  2. Application form to join the agreement under regulation 22.

The employer needs to complete the forms, sign them (signature and stamp), and send transfer them to the Work Injury Department of our Head Offices at the following email address: maasik22@nioi.gov.il or by fax at the number 02-5373495.