Calculating the benefits

1.   For a volunteer who was a salaried employee or self-employed before the injury

The benefit is calculated according to the volunteer’s income in the three months that preceded the injury (this is also the way that allowances are calculated for work injuries), provided that that income is not less than the minimum income for the volunteer. The minimum income for volunteers is calculated as half the base amount multiplied by 3 - NIS 15,402 (as of Jan 01, 2025).

If the volunteer’s income was less than the minimum income for a volunteer - the pension in calculated according to the minimum income for a volunteer.

2.   For a volunteer who was not a salaried employee or self-employed before the injury

The benefit is calculated as though the volunteer’s income in the three months preceding the injury was equal to the minimum income for a volunteer.

3.   For a volunteer 14 – 18 years of age

The benefit is calculated according to the volunteer’s income from employment or according to the base income by which a pension is calculated for a person undergoing vocational training - whichever is the higher of the two.

He is also subject to the regulation regarding the increase in a disability pension for a person who was injured before reaching the age of 18. When he reaches the age of 18, and afterwards at the age of 21, his pension is increased in accordance with the average wage (the pension of a volunteer who was injured between the ages of 18 and 21 is increased when he reaches the age of 21).

4.   A volunteer who was injured before reaching the age of 14

He is not entitled to monetary benefits until he reaches the age of 14. From that age, benefits are paid as stated in section 3 above. However, his entitlement to medical care, recuperation, medical rehabilitation and vocational rehabilitation is determined irrespective of his age.

5.   For a volunteer who was killed as a result of an injury sustained in a volunteer activity before reaching the age 14

His dependents are only entitled to benefits from the date on which he would have turned 14 if he had lived (the benefits are calculated in accordance with section 3 above).


Updating benefits

The benefits provided to volunteers and their dependents are updated according to the regulations governing updating of benefits for those injured at work, that is, according to the change in the basic amount.