Participation in studies expenses

The National Insurance participates in the expenses related to studies and the acquisition of a profession in favor of the family of the hostile actions victim, to let them find a job suitable to their skills.

Persons eligible for the aid

  • Widows and widowers
  • Fiancées
  • Orphans
  • Orphans who lost both parents

Expenses qualifying for refund

  • Tuition fees - the level of participation in tuition fees or vocational training fees will correspond to the usual fees claimed by the establishment in which studies have been approved, but not exceeding the level of tuition fees determined by the Higher Education Council.
  • Living expenses - monthly entitlement, as determined in regulations, paid to the eligible person, to cover common expenses (such as rent, transportation, and so forth).
  • Study supplies - a yearly grant to purchase books and study supplies.

Refund will be given to qualified person under the conditions of entitlement.

Period of aid

The period of aid is according to the duration of studies regarded as necessary to obtain a diploma.

To check eligibility one must contact a social worker from the Rehabilitation Department.