Payment of rehabilitation allowance and additional payments

Those who have been granted a rehabilitation program, may be entitled to receive the following rehabilitation payments, in accordance with regulations and established instructions:
Rehabilitation allowance, Tuition fees, Travel expenses/special transportation, Books and study equipment, Study devices, Accommodation expenses, Living expenses, Support and accessibility services.

A rehabilitation worker will accompany you throughout the rehabilitation program and assist with varying needs that may appear during the program.

Level of funding: The assistance is participation-based and not intended to cover, at any time, expenses in their entirety. More information about rehabilitation payments and detailed rates (in Hebrew).

Rehabilitation allowance

Rehabilitation allowance is paid to all persons eligible for rehabilitation by law, who are studying in a vocational training program at least 16 hours a week (out of wich at least 12 frontal hours and 4 complementary hours).

Weekly academic hours involve:

  • Frontal hours
  • Online learning
  • Mandatory class-room exercising hours
  • Remote learning hours
  • Uncompensated experience/practical training, such as: practical training in a social work.
    Compensated apprenticeship will not account as relevant hours for rehabilitation allowance. For instance: Apprenticeship for teaching certificate.

Complementary hours involve:

  • Hours of tutoring and additional accessibility
  • Hours of at-home exercise and learning
  • Writing assignments
  • Studying for exams

Amount of rehabilitation allowance:

  • Persons who do not receive a disability pension - may be entitled to rehabilitation allowance equivalent to the amount of a disability pension paid to persons with 100% degree of disability, depending on family composition and provided that his work income does not exceed 60% of the average wage - NIS 7,990 (as of Jan 01, 2025).
    To check eligibility one must contact the Rehabilitation Division.
  • Persons who receive a partial disability pension are entitled to rehabilitation allowance of an amount supplementing their payment up to the amount of the disability pension paid to persons with 100% disability, in accordance with the size of their family.
  • Persons who receive a full disability pension are not eligible for rehabilitation allowance.

Accessibility and support services during your studies

If you need various kinds of accessibility or support during your studies, you may be entitled to the following service, in accordance with the need and given instructions:

  • Tutoring
  • Reading-out of printed material
  • Transcription
  • Mentoring
  • Translation into sign language
  • Learning strategy
  • Personal accompaniment

Health Maintenance Organization's (HMO's) fees exemption  

If you are paid a rehabilitation allowance, you will be exempt from paying fees to your HMO for the following services:

  • Visit to in-house and professional physician
  • Commitment to cover hospital bills
  • Visit in centers and outpatient clinics

To obtain the exemption, you need to contact your HMO and provide an authorization of rehabilitation allowance beneficiary.