Benefit amount

For an easy and fast ​benefit calculation according to your income, you can use this unemployment benefits simulator (Hebrew).

Benefit's calculation method

Daily unemployment benefit rate is calculated according to your age and income (subject to insurance contributions) over the last full 6 months preceding your first appearance to Employment Service.

Monthly unemployment benefit rate is calculated as follows: your daily unemployment benefit rate is multiplied by the number of days you have appeared to Employment Service Bureau during that month.
For instance: if your daily unemployment benefit amounts to NIS 120, and during the month of May you have 18 appearance days, monthly unemployment benefit for the month of May will amount to NIS 2,160 (NIS 120 per day multiplied by 18 days).

In case you have appeared as you were required to during the whole month, you will receive payment for all possible working days during that month (not including Shabbat days).

For a thorough explanation of calculation method, click here.

Benefit amount for those below the age of 28 (as of Jan 01, 2025)

Gross salary (NIS) subject to insurance contributionsUnemployment benefit per dayUnemployment benefit per month (based on 25 days)Unemployment benefit in percentages of salary 
3,000​NIS 72 NIS 1,800 60%
​4,000NIS 96 NIS 2,400 60%
5,000​NIS 120 NIS 3,000 60%
​6,000NIS 136.6 NIS 3,415 57%
​7,000NIS 152.6 NIS 3,815 55%
​8,000NIS 167.83 NIS 4,196 52%
​9,000NIS 181.83 NIS 4,546 51%
​10,000NIS 195.83 NIS 4,896 49%
​11,000NIS 206.43 NIS 5,161 47%
​12,000NIS 216.43 NIS 5,411 45%
​13,000NIS 236.43 NIS 5,911 42%
​14,000NIS 256.43 NIS 6,411 40%
​15,000NIS 276.43 NIS 6,911 38%
​16,000NIS 296.43 NIS 7,411 37%
17,000​NIS 316.43 NIS 7,911 36%
​18,000NIS 336.43 NIS 8,411 35%
19,000​NIS 356.43 NIS 8,911 34%
20,000​NIS 376.43 NIS 9,411 34%
​25,000NIS 476.43 NIS 11,911 31%
NIS 496.43 NIS 12,411 31%
NIS 501.44
NIS 12,536

Benefit amount for those 28 years of age or older

Gross salary (NIS) subject to insurance contributionsUnemployment benefit per dayUnemployment benefit per month (based on 25 days)Unemployment benefit in percentages of salary 
3,000​NIS 96 NIS 2,400 80%
​4,000NIS 128 NIS 3,200 80%
5,000​NIS 160 NIS 4,000 80%
​6,000NIS 180.9 NIS 4,523 75%
​7,000NIS 200.9 NIS 5,023 72%
​8,000NIS 220.13 NIS 5,503 69%
​9,000NIS 238.13 NIS 5,953 66%
​10,000 NIS 256.13 NIS 6,403 64%
11,000 NIS 269.03 NIS 6,726 61%
12,000 NIS 281.03 NIS 7,026 59%
13,000 NIS 293.03 NIS 7,326 56%
14,000 NIS 305.03 NIS 7,626 54%
15,000 NIS 317.03 NIS 7,926 53%
16,000 NIS 329.03 NIS 8,226 51%
17,000 NIS 341.03 NIS 8,526 50%
18,000 NIS 353.03 NIS 8,826 49%
19,000 NIS 365.03 NIS 9,126 48%
20,000​ NIS 377.03 NIS 9,426 47%
21,000NIS 389.03 NIS 9,726 46%
22,000​NIS 401.03 NIS 10,026 46%
23,000​NIS 413.03 NIS 10,326 45% ​​
24,000​NIS 437.03 NIS 10,926 44% ​​
​25,000NIS 461.03 NIS 11,526 43% ​​
​26,000NIS 485.03 NIS 12,126 42% ​​
27,000​NIS 509.03 NIS 12,726 ​​41% ​​​
29,000​NIS *532.64 NIS 13,316 ​​
40% ​​​
​NIS 501.44
​NIS 12,536

Maximum benefit rate

The maximum amount of unemployment benefit is NIS 532.64 per day for the first 125 days of payment.
From the 126th day of payment, the maximum amount of unemployment benefit per day is NIS 355.09 .

Please note,
If, during the last 6 months of work, in full or in part, you have received payment of work injury benefits, the months for which you received work injury benefit will not be taken into account in the calculation of unemployment benefit, instead unemployment benefit rate will be calculated according to your income liable to insurance contributions in the closest previous month, however not beyond 18 months prior to your first appearance at the Employment Service Bureau.

If, during the last 6 months of work, in full or in part, your salary has been reduced without your fault or due to a disease, these months might not be take into account and unemployment benefits would be calculated according to the salary of closest preceding months, however, not beyond 18 months prior to your first appearance at the Employment Service Bureau.

Income tax and national and health insurance contributions are deducted from the unemployment benefit payment.
  • Income tax - Income tax is deducted at source from the unemployment benefit that is paid to you under Articles 164 and 243 of the Income Tax Ordinance and the regulations thereunder. If you have an authorization for an income tax discount or exemption, you must submit it the NII (claims clerk) in order to realize your right, or alternatively to the Income Tax Authority (assessing officer in your area of residence) in order to obtain a tax return.  
  • National and health insurance contributions - National Insurance contributions are deducted from the unemployment benefit at the minimum rate for national insurance contributions - NIS 24 (as of Jan 01, 2019) NIS 43 , and health insurance contributions are deducted according to the amount of the unemployment benefit.

Income during the unemployment period

If, during the unemployment period, you have an income from work as either a salaried employee or a self-employed, or from a retirement pension, this income will be deducted from unemployment benefits to which you are entitled.

Differentials to unemployment benefits

If, after you stopped working, you received payments from your employer for the last 6 work months which are taken into account with respect to unemployment benefits calculation, you may be eligible for differentials to your unemployment benefit. In order to check your rights, please approach the Unemployment Department in your local NII branch.

Benefit amount as of Jan 01, 2025