insurance periods for a married woman and a widow for the calculation of qualifying period

Here is a list of periods that may qualify you for an old-age pension at the retirement age (a person who is not eligible for a pension at the retirement age may be eligible at the age of entitlement to old-age pension):

  • If you were born in Israel and got married after the age of 18 – the period during which you were single from age 18 up to the day of your marriage (whether or not you worked during this period).
  • If you immigrated to Israel before the age of 18 and got married after the age of 18 – the period during which you were single from age 18 up to the day of your marriage (whether or not you worked during this period).
  • If you immigrated to Israel after the age of 18 and got married after the age of 18 – the period during which you were single from the day of your Aliyah up to the day of your marriage (whether or not you worked during this period).
  • If you worked while married – the periods of your work while married.
  • If your are a married woman whose husband is not insured with old-age insurance - whether or not she is working.
  • If you were divorced before you married – the period beginning a month after your divorce, for as long as you were divorced (whether or not you worked during this period).
  • If you were a widow before you married, and you did not receive a survivors' pension or dependents' pension from the National Insurance Institute for this period – the period during which you were  a widow, for as long as you did not receive a survivors' pension or dependents' pension from the National Insurance Institute (whether or not you worked during this period).
  • If you were a widow before you married, and you received a survivors' pension or dependents' pension from the National Insurance Institute in this period – the period of your work only.
  • If you are "Aguna" - a married woman, when two years passed since losing her husband's whereabouts, or if he is living overseas for at least two years, without your consent, and did not give you any alimony support during that period - whether you are working or not.
  • If you have received a general disability pension while married - the entire time of receiving a disability pension (regardless of whether or not you have worked during that period).