Information days

The Counseling Service for the Elderly holds information days to present the service to the elderly and to provide them with information on their rights in the National Insurance Institute and in other institutions. 

The most common information days are aimed at new retirees, divorcees, widows and widowers.

Information days for new retirees

Retiring from work is a period of transition in life which, even if it has been planned in advance, sometimes raises practical questions and other emotional issues to contend with.

Lack of familiarity with the various systems and organizations that are responsible for the rights of new retirees in general, and with the community services available to them in particular, sometimes requires individual guidance and assistance.

The Counseling Service for the Elderly holds information days for new retirees with the aim of providing a response to these questions and issues and to give the retirees additional tools and information which will help them to plan their lives.

During the information days, information and lectures are given on the following:

  • Information on the Counseling Service for the Elderly at the National Insurance Institute.
  • Information on the rights of retirees under the National Insurance Law.
  • Leisure and its significance after retiring from work.
  • Employment options, leisure, studies and volunteering in the community.

Information days may include other topics for which information will be provided in advance.

Information days are held at all branches of the National Insurance throughout the year. Further information on information days to be held in the near future may be obtained as follows: 

Information days for widows and widowers

Losing a spouse at any age is a crisis that can undermine personal, family and social stability. Along with the need to cope emotionally and spiritually with the loss, the widow/er must also contend with many questions related to rights, information and various administrative arrangements. Questions to which no answer is readily available are liable to exacerbate feelings of helplessness, confusion and pain.

The Counseling Service for the Elderly extends a caring hand and offers a supportive environment for elderly widows and widowers. By means of the information days, contacts are made with the widows and widowers, who are provided with initial relevant information.

The following are presented during the information days:

  • Information on the Counseling Service for the Elderly and the option of continued contact as the widow/er needs and desires.
  • Information on rights connected with old age and survivors’ pensions, which is provided by a claims officer.
  • Relevant legal information, which is presented by attorneys.

Information about support groups in branches and registration is available by the following ways