Call for application in support of collective remembrance of hostile actions casualties

The Hostile Actions Casualties Division is calling municipalities and public associations to apply for financial support for the collective remembrance of hostile actions casualties for the year 2024.

Please note that the possibility to file applications will be open from 24.6.2024.

What is the purpose of the support?

Support is granted for the purpose of creating open initiatives, for two or more victims of hostile actions, such as the erection or renovation of a monument, a memorial chamber, the writing of a book, the production of a film, etc. It is possible to file a request for a single memorial project only.

Determination of eligibility for and amount of the support

Eligibility for support and the amount of financial assistance will be determined by the Committee on Aid for Collective Remembrance of Hostile Actions Casualties, based on the criteria and procedures detailed in the guidelines for filing a request for support for a collective remembrance project for the year 2024.

How to apply for support?

  1. request for support of a collective remembrance (BL/373) must be completed in accordance with the guidelines. For your convenience, there is also an accessible form.
  2. Attached to the request must be the required material and it must be deposited in a sealed envelope.
    - Write on the envelope "For the attention of the Commission on aid for the collective remembrance of hostile actions casualties".
    - The envelope must contain 4 items: an original form and 3 copies. The word "original" must be written on the original form.
  3. The envelope must be sent to us by hand to this address: National Insurance, Division of Hostile Actions Casualties, 11 Hatsvi Street, Yirmizahou Square, Jerusalem. The courier must slide the envelope containing the papers into the designated box located on the 2nd floor.
    It is possible to arrive to deposit the envelope in the designated box during working days, between Sunday and Thursday, from 9:00 to 15:00.
    The envelope must not be left at the security station at the building's entrance.

Deadline for filing an application

Applications must be filed by 7.8.24 at 12:00.
Requests that are filed beyond this deadline will not be processed and will be returned to the sender.

Questions and information

You can send us your questions and inquiries by mail to the address until 8.7.24 at 12:00.
Please note that this email is only for questions and information and not for sending support requests.