Quarterly grant to siblings/children of the hostage/missing

Quarterly grant for the siblings of the hostage/missing aged between 18 and 22 and the children of the hostage/missing aged between 18 and 21

  • Children aged between 18 and 21 and siblings aged between 18 and 22 – will each receive a quarterly grant.
  • Children will receive a quarterly grant of NIS 17,388.
  • Siblings will receive a quarterly grant of NIS 18,108.
    Please note that a stepbrother will also receive the grant if he meets these conditions: his biological parent and step parent were married or common-law spouses, he lived with the parents before the age of 22 and was not in the custody of his second biological parent.
  • A child whose parents are hostages/missing or one parent has perished and the other is hostage/missing – will not be eligible for a grant because he receives a monthly benefit. For information about the benefit click here.
  • A child whose parents are hostages/missing or one parent has perished and the other is hostage/missing, and has a sibling – will not be eligible for a grant because he receives a monthly benefit by virtue of his parent. For information about the benefit, click here. However, if he has a sibling taken hostage or missing - he will be entitled to a grant by virtue of this sibling.

Grant payment

  • The grant will be paid automatically once every three months, as long as the hostage has not been released / the missing person has not been located.
  • The grants for the first and second quarter (from 7.10.23 to 7.4.24) – were paid on 4.3.2024, to the bank account of eligible people.
  • The grant for the third quarter (from 8.4.23 to 7.7.24) – was paid on 11.4.24.
  • The grant for the fourth quarter (from 8.7.23 to 8.10.24) – will be paid until 7.7.24.

Quarterly grant for the siblings of the hostage/missing aged 22 and older and the children of the hostage/missing aged 21 and older

  • Children aged 21 and older and siblings aged 22 and older  – will receive a quarterly grant of NIS 21,000 each.
    Please note that a stepbrother will also receive the grant if he meets these conditions: his biological parent and step parent were married or common-law spouses, he lived with the parents before the age of 22 and was not in the custody of his second biological parent.
  • A child whose parents are hostages/missing or one parent has perished and the other is hostage/missing – will not be eligible for a grant because he receives a monthly benefit. For information about the benefit click here.
  • A child whose parents are hostages/missing or one parent has perished and the other is hostage/missing, and has a sibling – will not be eligible for a grant because he receives a monthly benefit by virtue of his parent. For information about the benefit, click here. However, if he has a sibling taken hostage or missing - he will be entitled to a grant by virtue of this sibling.

Grant payment

  • The grant will be paid automatically once every three months, as long as the hostage has not been released / the missing person has not been located.
  • The grant for the first quarter (from 7.10.23 to 7.1.24) – was paid until 23.11.23, to the bank account of the eligible.
  • The grant for the second quarter (from 8.1.24 to 7.4.24) - was paid on 11.1.24, to the bank account of the eligible.
  • The grant for the third quarter (from 8.4.23 to 7.7.24) – was paid on 11.4.24.
  • The grant for the fourth quarter (from 8.7.23 to 8.10.24) – will be paid until 7.7.24.
  • The grant for the fifth quarter (from 9.10.24 to 8.1.25) – will be paid until 7.10.24.
  • The grant for the sixth quarter (from 9.1.25 to 8.4.25) - will be paid until 7.1.25.

Important information!

  • The family members will be entitled to a grant even in the case the hostage has been declared dead and has not been released yet.
  • The family members who have already received a grant will not be required to return it if during the payment period the hostage has been released /the missing person has been located.
  • Are also entitled to a grant family members of hostages and missing persons unrelated to the events of October 7, 2023.