A salaried worker who received adoption allowance from the National Insurance Institute, may be entitled to differentials on the received adoption allowance, in the following cases:
- If upon receiving adoption allowance from the NII, the employer gave you an additional payment (such as payments for convalescence, clothing and bonuses) in the 11 months since the day of first entitlement to the allowance, relate to the period according to which the allowance is calculated. The adoptive parent will be eligible for an increment if the amount of the additional payment is above a quarter of the minimum wage - NIS 1,562 (as of Apr 01, 2025).
- You were paid wage differentials by the employer, for the period of work preceding the payment of the allowance by the NII.
Submitting a claim for payment of differentials
To be able to obtain the differentials due to you, you have to send a claim for payment of differentials and attach wage detail compouted by the employer or made by hand, involving the additional payment or differentials that were paid.
Documents may be filled out and sent by means of the website, or submitted at a NII branch nearest your place of residence.
The claim must be filed within 12 months since the day of differentials payment by the employer.