The National Insurance Institute will publish to the public the memorandum on the Wage-Replacement Payments to Hostages Law

Further to the Government's decision dated 4.2.24, in which the Government approved payment of "wage replacement" to hostages to be paid retroactively as of 7.10 , representing another step in the assistance and response given to the families, the National Insurance Institute is now anchoring the eligibility in the law


Since 7.10, the families of hostages are facing many difficulties, including many economic issues. The decision made today is intended, inter alia, to provide a solution for the current expenses of the hostages.

After an extensive inter-ministerial work, with the participation of the Prime Minister's Office, the Directorate of Hostages, Missing Persons and Returning Hostages, the Ministry of Labor, the National Insurance, the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Finance, a Government decision was approved today according to which a hostage will receive a "wage replacement" benefit calculated upon his previous wage. 

In the coming hours, a memorandum of law anchoring this right will be published for public comments, so that as long as the hostages are not back with us, they will receive directly into their account a benefit for the wages they earned before the disaster.

If a hostage did not work before, a minimum amount of NIS 7,000 - 9,000 was determined, according to the family composition.

The aforementioned memorandum of law will be published today for 7 days (until Saturday 6.7.24 at midnight) and will then be forwarded for approval by the Ministerial Committee for Legislative Affairs.