The National Insurance will grant NIS 3 million for remembrance of hostile actions casualties

The National Insurance issued a call for remembrance projects of hostile actions casualties for millions of shekels

The National Insurance issued a call for proposals to local authorities, public institutions and associations in favor of financial support for the remembrance of the victims of hostile actions, which is budgeted at NIS 3 million.

This exciting project is designed to introduce the memory of the hostile actions casualties killed in the 7/10 disaster and the Iron Swords war in the public sphere with open-ended element of remembrance: erecting or renovating a monument, memorial room, writing a book, producing a film, digital commemoration, etc. 

The National Insurance does not determine how many can compete, but rather declares that anyone who meets the conditions will receive a financial support. Moreover, if an unused budget remains in one of the types of activities, it will be divided among the other requests in that activity.

The National Insurance Institute's Hostile Actions Casualties Division will conduct the procedure and determine the level of assistance according to various measures; the element should memorialize the hostile actions casualties in a collective manner (two or more victims), a preference will be given to a local authority that has no memorial site for the victims of hostile actions on its territory, the level of support for each project can reach up to NIS 300 thousand according to criteria such as: type of project, cost of the project and the number of commemorated casualties, etc.

  • Each local authority, public institutions, and nonprofit organizations can apply for only one project/remembrance element. 
  • The application (BL/373) can be submitted until 07/08/24.
  • If the remembrance takes the form of a monument, should there be additional casualties, the local authority/public institution commits to remember them in this monument.

The Minister of Labor, Yoav Ben Tzur: "We remember the victims of hostile actions since before the establishment of the State and certainly during the difficult days of the war that the State of Israel is going through. The memory, remembrance and honor of those who perished is an integral part of a virtuous society and the National Insurance and its employees see a great importance and a public mission in assisting and financing monuments, memorial rooms, film production, etc. This year has further sharpened the need for a different kind of commemoration, public and embracing, and we are full partners in creating a shared memory for those who have lost what is most precious to them."

Zvika Cohen, Acting Director General of the National Insurance: "In a reality in which we experience terror attacks continuously, the National Insurance Institute has set itself the goal of preserving the memory of the victims of the hostile actions and allowing a place of commemoration where the stories of the murdered will be presented, as well as another place where families can reunite with the memory of the fallen together with the entire public. The National Insurance remembrance project is an inseparable part of the national memory of the State of Israel and takes on double significance in times of war and as such we have allocated a dedicated budget to helping establish these sites that symbolize great pain alongside the will to hold on to life."