Dear self-employed, it is really worthwhile to settle a debt!
If you settle your debt toward the National Insurance by 30.12.2024, including debits scheduled until 14.2.25 or a raise of advance payments due to apply until 3.3.25 - then 52% of your national insurance contributions will be deducted from your income subject to income tax in year 2024.
For instance: if your income subject to income tax in 2024 amounts to NIS 100,000 et 52% of the national insurance contributions you have paid over the year amounts to NIS 10,000, your taxable income will stand at only NIS 90,000.
Important information!
To be obtain this advantage, the debt must be paid in cash, credit card, bank transfer or check (not postponed).
A person who pays a debt through instalment agreement, permanent bank order or multiple checks - the advantage will only be granted upon the instalments paid until 30.12.24.
How to settle a debt?
You can easily and quickly pay your debt on our payment website