Payment of national and health insurance contributions

​A Israeli resident, from age 18 and older, is covered by the national insurance and is liable to pay national insurance contributions (except for a married woman who is a housewife).

Entitlement to most National Insurance Institute (NII) benefits is granted by paying insurance contributions.

Under the Public Health Insurance Law, every Israeli resident from age 18 and older has the obligation to pay to the NII health insurance contributions together with national insurance contributions, et must register at one of the health maintenance organizations of his choice.

During your IDF military service or national-civil service, the Ministry of Defense or the organization in which you are volunteering will pay insurance contributions on your behalf.

After your discharge, you must pay insurance contributions as follows:

  • Discharged soldier - during the first two months following the discharge, you will be exempted from payment of national and health insurance contributions, if you do not work nor have any income. The exemption is granted to those who performed at least two third of their mandatory period of service under the law, and were not discharged due to inadequacy, as well as those discharged on health grounds or due to disability.
  • Persons achieving national-civil service - who served at least 24 months, will be exempted from payment of national and health insurance contributions during the first two months following the discharged, provided they do not work nor have any income during that period.
  • Salaried worker - insurance contributions are deducted from your wage (a domestic worker is considered salaried worker, and his employer is obligated to pay insurance contributions on his behalf).
  • Self-employed worker - you have to register as a self-employed by means of a multi-annual report form (BL/6101), and pay on your own insurance contributions. The rate of insurance contributions is determined according the level of your income.
  • Non-worker (and non-recipient of unemployment benefit) - you have to notify the fact that you are not working to the Collection Department of the branch nearest your place of residence. This notification may be sent via the website under the "Contact us" section or by fax directly to the branch. Upon reception of the notification, a "payments sheet" will be sent to you and you will be required to pay by yourself insurance contributions at minimum rate - NIS 250 (as of Jan 01, 2025) per month.
  • Student in an institution of higher education - the institution in which you are studying will inform us of your status of student, and we will then automatically send a "payments sheet" to your domicile. If, after two months since the start of studies, you have not received a payments sheet yet, please contact the Collection Department of your local branch.
    - If you do not work during the course of your studies, you will pay minimum insurance contributions of NIS 163 (as of Jan 01, 2025) per month.
    - If you are working as a salaried employee during your studies - insurance contributions are deducted from your wage, and there is no need to pay by means of the payments sheet sent to you, but you must nevertheless in form us of the start of your salaried work.
  • If you are staying abroad, you have to pay insurance contributions even during your stay - if you travel overseas, for a month and more, you have to contact the branch of the National Insurance nearest your place of residence, notify your travel and make insurance contribution arrangements for the period of your stay overseas.
    Failing to pay insurance contributions while staying abroad will cause the suspension of health services upon your return in the country.

Insurance contributions can be paid by the following means:

  1. On the National Insurance Contribution's payments website or the Personal Service website.
  2. At post offices by means of the payments sheet you were sent.
  3. On the computerized call center at 08-6509911 or the human response call center at *6050.

Carefully paying insurance contributions is of importance, in order to avoid penalties and prejudice to your rights for benefits.