Operation "reduced debts" on benefits

​Why pay more when you can pay less?

Now! Operation "reduced debts" of the National Insurance!

If you have received a benefit to which you were not entitled owing to false information and incurred a debt,

You have now the opportunity to repay it without differentials and linkage and in comfortable instalments.

We are currently sending messages to debtors. Have you received a message?!
Pay now and less...

How to repay?

By credit card

By cheques or vouchers

Payment by cheques and/or vouchers can be settled at a branch of the National Insurance nearest your place of residence upon taking a prior appointment.

Debt examination board

You have a debt and your struggle to repay it? Don't worry!
You have the possibility to submit a request to the debt examination board, which is competent in cases of difficult economic situation to reexamine the debt.
The board will rule on the request based on documentation and without the claimant presence, and may decide to discontinue the debt collection process or establish a payment in instalments or deny the request.

How to submit a request to the board?

The request must be submitted to the branch nearest your place of residence by means of a debt examination request form, with authorizations showing the economic situation in attachment.