Submitting a termination of residency request

Those who left Israel and fully transferred their center of life abroad, can contact the National Insurance and request the termination of their residency before 5 years have passed.

Completing a declaration of cancellation of residency

To that end, you have to complete a declaration of cancellation of residency.

In most cases the residency will be revoked from the day of notification to the National Insurance.

Please note,

  • We strongly advise to keep your residency in Israel, to guaranty the continued provision of health services and preserving your social rights with the National Insurance.
  • Generally, the process of transferring the center of life overseas is gradual, especially for a family who intends a priori to stay abroad temporarily and then come back to Israel. Therefore, we recommend to carefully weigh the decision to end residency with the National Insurance.

Assessing the family unit

In the examination of the request to terminate residency, we will assess the whole family unit. In other words, the request will not be approved if the applicant's spouse and children remain in Israel.

Likewise, if the spouses request the termination of their residency, and after some time return to Israel - their residency will be re-examined retroactively (including for the period when their residency has been terminated). In this case, if it appears a posterior that their center of life has not been transferred abroad - they will be recognized as residents retroactively, including for the period when their residency was already revoked.

For instance, the spouses who contacted the National Insurance after half a year spent abroad and declared they were not residents any more, thus terminating their residency. After about two years, when they came back to Israel, their residency will be examined over these whole two years, and if it was established that their center of life remained in Israel, and their residency abroad was temporary only - they will be recognized as residents for the whole period, and will be liable to insurance contributions accordingly.