Entitlement to Old-age Pension Calculator (Simulator)

All fields are required. Calculator's steps and/or optional entries might change according to the values entered.

The system is meant to be used by Israeli resident Person covered in old-age insurance andlegal insurance contributionswere paid on his behalf, as well as a person exempt from payment of insurance contributions.

Two methods of verification are available on the system:

  • In the first method – one can estimate the level of old-age pension according income data and family composition.
  • In the second method – one can check eligibility for and estimate the level of old-age pension.

One must approach a branch in the following cases:

  • A person who works and has more than twochildren
  • A recipient of a work injury or unemployment benefits
  • Kibbutz member

Please note, entitlement to old-age pension will be determined by a branch officer

Date in format date/month/year (dd/MM/yyyy)
I am interested in checking my eligibility to old-age pension: