Income Support Benefit Calculator

All fields are required. Calculator's steps and/or optional entries might change according to the values entered.

This simulator is designed to calculate an estimation of income support benefit  for an Israeli resident .
Please note, Eligiblity for and the amount of the benefit  will be determined solely by the claims officer of the National Insurance Institute.

This simulator cannot be used, and one must contact the officer of the branch nearest your place of residence, in the following cases:
  • If you own a farm, farming property, another residence beside your apartment
  • If you pay maintenance (alimony) according to a court order
  • If you or your spouse are not Israeli resident
  • If you work at a protected plant
  • If you are under 20 years old


Date in format date/month/year (dd/MM/yyyy)
Family status of the claimant:         

Date in format date/month/year (dd/MM/yyyy)
מין בן הזוג
I am member of a kibbutz / cooporative moshav:
My spouse or I are members of a kibbutz / cooperative moshav:
I am soldier serving in regular military service:
My partner or myself are soldiers in regular military service:
I am a Yeshiva student or an avrekh kollel:
I or my spouse are students in a Yeshiva or avrekh kollel:
Jobseeker at Employment Service or working or studying in a vocational training provided by Employment Service
בן זוגי דורש עבודה בשירות התעסוקה או עובד או לומד בת זוגי דורשת עבודה בשירות התעסוקה או עובדת או לומדת בהכשרה מקצועית מטעם שרות התעסוקה
I receive an old-age pension:
My spouse or I receive an old-age pension:
I am

Immigration to Israel was done before April 2024 :
בןבת זוגי

Immigration to Israel was done before April 2024 :
I am studying

My spouse is studying

I am
I have children under the age of 18
I have children between the ages of 18 and 24