Disability Pension

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אתה נמצא בשלב 1 מתוך 2
This simulator is designed to calculate an estimated amount of general disability pension for an insured person aged between 18 and retirement age. Please note, the eligibility for and the rate of disability pension are determined by the claims officer of the National Insurance Institute.
I have received a general disability pension consecutively for the last 12 months:
The degree of incapacity you were determined:

Marital status:

Do you have children up to age 24?
Number of children:
Number of children:
Amount of gross monthly income
Income details
Income type Amount of monthly income:
Gross income from work הסבר
Income from maternity, pregnancy bed rest, work injury allowance
Income from pension and benefits הסבר
Income from property הסבר
Income from unemployment benefits from the National Insurance Institute
Spouse income details
Income type Spouse’s income amount
Gross income from work הסבר
Income from maternity, pregnancy bed rest, work injury allowance
Income from pension and benefits הסבר
Income from property הסבר