Request to review HMO's decision

​Reviewing the decision of the health maintenance organization (HMO)

  • If the HMO denied the coverage of the treatment you have been recommended and which is not included in the health basket - you have the possibility to ask us to review the HMO's decision. To that end, you need to complete a request form to the Work Injury Department, and attach required documents.
  • If the HMO denied the coverage of a medical treatment included in the health basket - you need to file an appeal to the Public Complaints Commission of the Health Ministry, via the following channels:
    - Call HaBriut - Phone service call center at *5400 
    - Telephone: 08-6241010
    - Fax: 02-5655969
    - Email:
    - Over the internet by submitting a complaint under Public Health Insurance Law, on the public complaints website of the Health Ministry.

Required documents in attachment to the request:

  1. Treatment referral by the attending physician of your HMO, for the requested medical treatment.
  2. Letter of denial from the HMO regarding the requested medical treatment.
  3. In cases of appeal against HMO's denial to cover medical cannabis treatment - you also need to attach the license to possess and use medical cannabis request form of the Health Ministry. The form is filled out by an authorized physician of the Medical Unit Liaison and shall include medical examinations leading to your referral for medical cannabis treatment.