Participation in tuition fees

During the vocational rehabilitation period you are entitled to a refund for the following expenses:

  • Tuition fee
  • Living allowance
  • Study material
  • Mentoring and tutoring

Refund of Tuition fee

The amount of the contribution to the tuition or vocational training fee is in accordance with the applicable fee at the institution at which the studies have been approved, but not higher than the tuition fee determined by the Council for Higher Education.

Funding Period

The duration of the funding period is in accordance with the duration of studies and degree of disability:
  • Disability degree of 20% and above – funding of the entire customary period at the institution at which the entitled person studies, which will enable him or her to receive an academic or professional degree or commence working following the completion of their studies.
  • Disability degree of 10% to 19% (for an injury recognized until 31.12.1995):
    1. Up to two years – funding of the entire customary period.
    2. Over two years – funding of half of the study period, but not less than two years.

Mentoring and Tutoring

Peoples with a disability degree of 20% and above who suffer from a mental or head injury, or peoples with a disability degree of 100% with all types of injuries who require functional and social assistance and guidance, are entitled to mentoring services. Those with a disability degree of 100% for whom rehabilitation is not possible and who require personal enrichment, are entitled to tutoring.