Unemployment benefit recipient staying abroad

  • If during the course of your unemployment you travelled abroad, you have to declare the dates of departure abroad and return in the country to the Employment Service and the National Insurance.
    During your stay outside of Israel you will not be entitled to unemployment benefits, since you are not available to receive job offers and do not meet the definition of unemployed person.  Upon your return in Israel, you will able to continue receiving unemployment benefits according to your reporting to Employment Service, until the end of your remaining days of unemployment in the period of the unemployment period.
  • The time you spend working abroad can serve as a qualifying period for unemployment benefit only for someone who worked abroad for an Israeli employer under a contract entered into in Israel. Nevertheless, someone who worked in Austria, Holland or Sweden (countries with which the State of Israel has signed an unemployment convention) can, under certain circumstances, add the qualifying period for unemployment benefit that was accumulated in the country with which there is a convention, to the qualifying period for unemployment benefit that was accumulated in Israel.

To a list of existing conventions and covered insurance branches