Incomes taken into account for examination of entitlement to long-term care benefits

Your level of income is one of the conditions of entitlement to the long-term care benefit. The entitling amount of income is determined in accordance with your marital status.

Please note, when both spouses require long-term care, incomes are calculated based on the "single" marital status for each spouse individually.


Amount of (gross) income

Amount of benefit


Up to NIS 13,056

Full benefit


Over NIS 13,056 and up to NIS 19,584

Benefit reduced by 50%

​Single​Over NIS 19,584No entitlement to benefit


Up to NIS 19,584

Full benefit


Over NIS 19,584 and up to NIS 29,376

Benefit reduced by 50%

Couple​Over NIS 29,376​No entitlement to benefit

Incomes taken into account

  • Gross income from work - as salaried employee or self-employed person
  • Gross income for pension
  • Gross income from NII benefits, such as: old-age pension, general disability, survivors and more.
  • Gross income from a property
  • Any other gross income, under section 2 of Taxes Ordinance, such as: capital gains, linkage and compensations.
  • Allowances (gross amount) to IDF's disabled people (without mobility increment).

Incomes that are not taken into account

  • Income from allowances to victims of Nazi persecutions or Holocaust survivors
  • Income from a private nursing insurance
  • Income from certain NII benefits, such as: mobility, attendance to the severely disabled, compensations to polio or ringworm victims.
  • Mobility benefits from the Ministry of Defense.

Expenses deducted from income

The following expenses are deducted from the amount of your incomes:

  • Court decision on maintenance payments (alimony) - if you bear expenses related to alimony payments ruled by Court, these expenses will be deducted from your overall income during incomes examination.
  • Maintenance Expenses for spouse staying in a nursing institution - if your spouse stays in a nursing institution, related maintenance expenses will be deducted from the overall amount of your incomes.
  • Rents - if you are renting an apartment from a landlord, your rent will be deducted from your incomes. For instance: if you have a rent income of NIS 4,000 as landlord of an apartment and, at the same time, you pay a rent of NIS 3,000 per month as a tenant. In calculating your incomes, only NIS 1,000 from your landlord's rent are taken into account.
  • Expenses for assisted living residence - if you live in an assisted living residence and rent your apartment, your expenses related to the assisted living component will be deducted from your rents income.
    For instance: If you have an income of NIS 4,000 per month from the apartment that you are renting, and pay NIS 6,000 per month for the assisted living residence component - your NIS 4,000 rents income from your apartment will not be accounted in the calculation of income.