To whom is the pension paid?
The disability pension is usually paid into the bank account of the entitled person. However, in cases where a qualified doctor determines that the entitled person is unable - because of the disability - to use the pension for his/her own benefit or for that of dependentsSpouse of an Israeli resident, whose income is up to 57% the average wage and child of an insured person (including foster and adopted child) up to age 18; if completing his studies at a post-elementary educational institution or if in a pre-military framework – up to age 20; if a volunteer in a year of service – up to age 21,unless enlists in the IDF immediately following his volunteer service – with no age limit; if serving in the IDF, except for the permanent army – up to age 22,,but for not longer than until the end of 36 months of service; a girl in the voluntary National Service and a person who postpones his military service due to studies – up to age 22. (65), the pension is paid (in full or in part), to whomever the NII appoints as the recipient of the pension (the pension is paid into the bank account of that person).
If a claim is submitted by the guardian of the person entitled to the pension, the pension is paid into a bank account opened by the guardian in the name of the person entitled to the pension.
The spouse of the entitled person may contact the NII and request the pension increment provided for a spouse to be paid directly to him or her.
The disability pension is usually paid on the 28th of the month for that month.
The pension's payment date may change for some months of the year on the occasion of holidays. Reporting and payment dates are updated on the Schedule of benefits payments.
Start of pension eligibility:
A disability pension is paid from the 91st day of determining the level of incapacity.
For instance, should a degree of incapacity be determined for you as of June 1, 2016, you should start receiving the disability pension as of November 2, 2016.
One may receive retroactive payment for up to 12 months prior to the date of claim submission.
Payment of the disability pension from the 31st day of determining the incapacity level
The disability pension is paid from the 31st day of determining the level of incapacity to people who were determined a 100% degree of incapacity, for a period of at least six months.
Payment amount: For the period between the 31st and 90th day a claimant will receive a disability pension of NIS 4,556 (as of Jan 01, 2025).
Double benefit paid as of 31st day: as of January 2022, those granted a degree of incapacity in disability at 100%, for a period of 6 months at least - can receive an attendance allowance as well as a disability pension from the 31st day (rather than the 91st day). This advantage also includes a supplement for spouse and children to the disability pension from the 31st day.
Pension payment date:
The disability pension is usually paid on the 28th of the month for that month.
The pension's payment date may change for some months of the year on the occasion of holidays. Reporting and payment dates are updated on the Schedule of benefits payments.