Services for which the Hevra Kadisha (burial society) is entitled to charge

 The burial services for which the Hevra Kadisha is entitled to charge are:

  • Place of the burial - Burying the deceased according to the express wishes of the family in a cemetery that is defined by the National Insurance Institute as a "closed cemetery," or in one of the special burial plots that are defined by the Institute as "exceptional plots."
  • Reserving a plot - in cases in which an Israeli resident requests to reserve a burial plot during his lifetime.

Transporting the deceased as of Jan 01, 2025:

  • From the place of death which is located within the boundaries of the local authority in which one Hevra Kadisha operates, to a burial place located within the boundaries of the local authority in which another Hevra Kadisha operates.
    The rate is NIS 436 for the first 10 kilometers from the boundaries of the first local authority, and another NIS 13.29 for every additional kilometer up to the place of burial.
  • From the airport - Payments include the customs fee and expenses for the burial permit.
  • Special track - for the purpose of a eulogy or paying last respects, at the request of the family.
    The rate for digressions from the track is:
    - When the accompanying staff numbers less then a minyan (quorum of 10) – NIS 1,088 for the first hour, and NIS 544 for every additional half hour.
    - When the accompanying staff numbers at least a minyan (quorum of 10) – NIS 2,176 for the first hour, and NIS 1,088 for every additional half hour.
  • Linen shroud - at the family's request (only charging the difference between the prices of special shrouds and regular ones).
  • Preserving the deceased - Preserving the deceased in a refrigerated room of the Hevra Kadisha. From Sunday through Thursday, payment is charged from the second day onward; on Fridays and the day before holidays, payment is charged from the third day onward.
    The payment determined according to the Ministry of Health rates.
  • The National Insurance Institute does not pay for the expenses entailed in building the foundation for the gravestone or the gravestone itself; that expense is borne by the family.