Alternative therapies

Victims of PTSD, mental or head injuries are entitled to the funding of alternative treatments aiming to bring them relief in coping with the symptoms of the injury.

The maximum repayment amount per year (as of January 2023) - NIS 6,000.

Types of treatment included in the basket:

Osteopathy, chiropractic, acupuncture, Tuina, medical massage, Feldenkrais, reflexology, Shiatsu, Alexander method, yoga, Watsu, horseback riding, Pilates, horse and animal therapy, music therapy, bio feedback, diet, homeopathy, Tai chi, hypnotic therapy, naturopathy, mindfulness, Bach flowers, Chi kung, Albaum's method, Paula's method, water therapy (such as surfing waves).

Please note, the selection of a therapist is under your own responsibility, and the National Insurance is not liable for the choice of therapist, treatment programs or results.

How to obtain a refund for alternative therapies?

You must schedule treatments and pay them yourself, and we will give you refunds for treatments up to the maximum amount, upon presentation of tax invoices / receipts. 

The invoice/receipt shall indicate: full patient's name and ID number, visits dates, therapist's full name and business registration number exempt/authorized/private corporation (any business structure recognized by tax authorities).

A request to receive a refund on treatments can be filed either online through the website, or by downloading a form to fill out by hand, and sending it to a branch by means of the document delivery service.