Studies, extracurricular activities and vocational training

Bereaved family members are entitled to various educational and vocational benefits.

Here is a list of benefits and their conditions of entitlement:

Benefits for bereaved siblings

Tuition Grant

The tuition grant is paid for bereaved siblings studying in grades 7 to 12. The grant is paid to bereaved parents who receive a bereaved siblings supplement as part of their monthly compensation.
The grant amounts to NIS 2,395.

The grant is paid automatically each year with the August compensation.

Support courses

Parents are entitled to a monthly grant to fund support courses for their children in grade 1 to 12.

The aid is given on a monthly basis for a period of up to 12 months in the first two years following the disaster.

The aid will be transferred against a one-time declaration of the parents stating that support courses are provided to the bereaved sibling, the details of courses costs and the frequency of the courses, as well as a one-time certificate from the school attended by the bereaved sibling regarding the need for support courses.

The maximum amount of funding is NIS 1,294 per month for 12 months (for the first two years). For more information and to obtain this aid, please contact the Rehabilitation Department of the branch nearest to the place of residence or through the website.

Graduate and academic studies

Tuition assistance is given to parents who finance higher education for bereaved siblings: Diploma or vocation apprenticeship.
Eligibility is granted to siblings up to the age of 40, for a period of up to 3 years. Unless the formal program of study is 4 years.
In any case, no more than 4 years of study will be approved.

The benefit is granted for higher education studies in one of the following educational institutions:

  • Post-secondary schools that issue an official diploma from a ministry.
  • Universities and colleges recognized by the Council of Higher Education (Bachelor's degree).
  • Schools of engineers and technicians (13-14) for those who study continuously after the graduate degree.

The participation rate is up to 40% of the total amount of basic tuition fees for graduate studies in state-subsidized higher education institutions (according to a list updated by the Council of Higher Education).

For more information and to obtain this aid, please contact the Rehabilitation Department of the branch nearest to the place of residence or through the website.

Benefits for orphans

Participation in tuition fees and extra-curricular activities

The National Insurance Institute pays grants for extracurricular activities for orphans studying in classes 1-6, and for secondary school-related expenses for orphans studying in classes 7-12. Are eligible for the grant the spouse of the victims (widow/widower or common law couple) receiving a supplement for bereaved siblings on their monthly compensation, as well as orphans who lost both parents in hostile actions.

Grant amount:

For orphans in classes 1-6: NIS 2,032

For orphans in classes 7-10: NIS 2,395

For orphans in classes 11-12: NIS 3,255

The grant is paid automatically each year with the August compensation.

Learning disability assessment, remedial teaching and mentoring

The National Insurance Institute finances the assessment of learning disabilities for an orphan up to the age of 21, upon recommendation of a professional agent. The examination is conducted by the educational psychology service available, or by specialized psychologists who are certified to conduct such assessment. Funding is limited to a maximum of 4 assessments (if needed).

An orphan over the age of 21 may receive funding for only one assessment, provided that he or she has not received such funding before the age of 21.

Grant amount:

Didactic examination: up to NIS 1,557 reimbursed

Psycho-didactic examination: up to NIS 2,683 reimbursed

For ADHD examination: up to NIS 1,470 reimbursed

For more information and to obtain this aid, please contact the Rehabilitation Department of the branch nearest to the place of residence or through the website.

Remedial teacher

An orphan of primary and secondary school age, suffering from a learning disability and for whom a remedial teacher has been recommended, but the school or community does not have such a service, is entitled to up to 18 hours of study per month, and up to the amount of NIS 150 upon presentation of receipts, and for a period of up to two years from the date eligibility is granted.

For more information and to obtain this aid, please contact the Rehabilitation Department of the branch nearest to the place of residence or through the website.

Payment for mentors

Orphans are entitled to funding for the hiring of mentors, when the mentor assumes the missions of social accompaniment and emotional support, in concertation with the rehabilitation worker and on his or her recommendation.

For more information and to obtain this aid, please contact the Rehabilitation Department of the branch nearest to the place of residence or through the website.

Vocational training and higher education for widows, widowers and orphans

Who is entitled to funding of vocational training and higher education?

  • The spouse of the victim (widow/widower or common law couples).
  • Children who became orphans under the age of 21 are entitled to higher education if they started studying by age 30.
  • Orphans who have lost both parents in hostile actions and are aged 18 or older.

What is included in financing?

  • The spouse and children are entitled to receive funding for vocational training until completion of vocational studies, or funding for higher education studies until graduating to a Bachelor's degree. Funding includes tuition fees and an annual grant for books and living expenses, provided they meet prerequisites and subject to approval by a rehabilitation worker.
  • Assistance in financing studies abroad for the spouse and children – will be granted subject to conditions and verification applying to students in Israel. Funding will be given in Israeli currency.

For further details and assistance, contact the Rehabilitation Department of the branch nearest to the place of residence.

Vocational training assistance for bereaved parents

Bereaved parents are entitled, in special cases, to counseling in the choice of a profession and assistance in financing tuition fees, including vocational training courses, enrichment course, higher education and Hebrew language studies.

For more information and to obtain this aid, please contact the Rehabilitation Department of the branch nearest to the place of residence or through the website.

Employment and economic rehabilitation

A family member who did not receive in the past a funding assistance for studies, vocational training or an aid for independent rehabilitation, is entitled to funding of studies or vocational training, if the studies are not funded by another party, and in one of the following cases:

  • Total funding will not exceed the cost of 3 years of studies for a Bachelor's degree in a University or of 4 years of studies in engineering and law school.
  • Eligibility for the funding of studies is granted one time only.